2023 Special Question about Sales Tax on the Ballot

2023 Special Question about Sales Tax on the Ballot

The City of Silver Lake has resolved 

The Governing Body of the City of Silver Lake has determined that additional revenue is needed to provide an adequate level of public services within the City, including additional funds for improvements, repairs and replacements to City infrastructure and certain capital improvements. A vote of yes in November would support these efforts. 

The proposition shall appear on the ballot as follows:


            Shall the following be adopted?

            Shall a retailers’ sales tax in the amount of one percent (1.0%) be levied in the City of Silver Lake, Kansas, for the special purpose of providing an adequate level of public services within the City, including funds for repairs, replacements and improvements of City infrastructure and other capital improvements as may be in the best interest of the City, to take effect April 1, 2024, and to be limited to the term of ten (10) years pursuant to Kansas law.

            Yes      

            No       

            To vote in favor of any questions submitted upon the ballot, darken the oval to the right of the word “Yes;” to vote against it, darken the oval to the right of the word “No.”

Interesting Facts about Sales Tax: 

  1. If the City of Silver Lake had a 1% sales tax it could have generated 124000 dollars in additional revenue for the City in 2023. The City’s assessed valuation for 2024 is 12900 dollars. This means that in order to generate the same revenue as a 1% sales tax, the City would need to raise the mill levy by ten (10) or more. 
  2. The difference between a sales tax and a mill increase is that a sales tax would add 1% to each dollar spent in Silver Lake, no matter who is spending it. A mill increase would only effect property owners in the City limit.

What does a local sales tax mean for me?

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, 2023